What are bleached knots on human hair units?

Lacefronts bleached knots

Creating the perfect human hair wigs require a deceivingly intricate process with many different layers that include many hours of work and specific professional expertise. With good quality human hair wigs the action of bleaching knots is a technique employed to make high-end human hair wigs look extremely natural. Bleaching knots creates the illusions that the hair is growing directly from the scalp. With lace wigs the hair needs to be tied to the piece of lace, otherwise known as ventilating. The process of ventilating is what creates these knots. The knots are what anchor the hair strands to the lace to ensure a gap free and natural looking human hair wig execution. There are two knot options for lace front wigs—this includes single knots and double knots.

To learn more about the knot variations of human hair wigs please continue reading.


To put it simply, single knots will visually look smaller than double knots. A single knot is when (During the creation process of your Lace Fronts human hair wig), a single knot means a singular hair strand is knotted to the lace. This is known for creating insanely natural looking units. 

With lace fronts Australia wigs, if you examine closely at the front of the wig you will be able to see that we use only single knots all the way around the front of the unit. Single knot wigs give that more natural looking hairline as they recreate the effect of natural hair lines and once bleached, will give the most natural hairline EVER!


Bleaching the knots on a Lace Fronts Australia unit streamlines the look of the unit and creates the appearance of hair coming out of the scalp. We believe that it is very important to bleach the knots on your unit to achieve the most flawless results possible. Bleaching of the knots is a process that uses a gentle bleach to make the knots, where the hair is tied to the lace, much lighter than the original colour. This stops you from seeing the ‘little black dots’ that you can see in a lot of Wigs available on the market.

We have perfected this technique. It causes no damage to the unit, looks flawless and will last you many years to come.